Xmas laser cheers

๐ŸŽฎ Xmas Cheer Laser

๐Ÿ“ The Laboratory


๐Ÿง๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Sparkle Redberry

I'm Sparkle Redberry and Imma chargin' my laser!

Problem is: the settings are off.

Do you know any PowerShell?

It'd be GREAT if you could hop in and recalibrate this thing.

It spreads holiday cheer across the Earth ...

... when it's working!

Make the laser work by putting the correct settings.

โšก๏ธ Solution

When You open the Cranberry Pi terminal, You see:


With given hints and Powershell Cheat Sheet, let's begin:

1. Check the Web API info

to know what settings we are looking for:

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://localhost:1225/).RawContent
Christmas Cheer Laser Project Web API
Turn the laser on/off:
GET http://localhost:1225/api/on
GET http://localhost:1225/api/off

Check the current Mega-Jollies of laser output
GET http://localhost:1225/api/output

Change the lense refraction value (1.0 - 2.0):
GET http://localhost:1225/api/refraction?val=1.0

Change laser temperature in degrees Celsius:
GET http://localhost:1225/api/temperature?val=-10

Change the mirror angle value (0 - 359):
GET http://localhost:1225/api/angle?val=45.1

Change gaseous elements mixture:
POST http://localhost:1225/api/gas

POST BODY EXAMPLE (gas mixture percentages):

So we have 4 settings: Lense, Temperature, Angle, Gaseous Mixture

2. The clues hunting

by reading callingcard.txt :

Get-Content /home/callingcard.txt

The Get-Content cmdlet gets the content of the item at the location specified by the path.1

What's become of your dear laser?
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Seems you can't now seem to raise her!
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Could commands hold riddles in hist'ry?
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Nay! You'll ever suffer myst'ry!
Fa la la la la, la la la la


Commands history

3. Check Powershell Commands history:


The Get-History cmdlet gets the session history.1

  Id CommandLine
  -- -----------
   1 Get-Help -Name Get-Process
   2 Get-Help -Name Get-*
   3 Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
   4 Get-Service | ConvertTo-HTML -Property Name, Status > C:\services.htm
   5 Get-Service | Export-CSV c:\service.csv
   6 Get-Service | Select-Object Name, Status | Export-CSV c:\service.csv
   7 (Invoke-WebRequest
   8 Get-EventLog -Log "Application"
   9 I have many name=value variables that I share to applications system wide. At a command I will reveal my secrets once you Get my Child Items.

Angle value



I have many name=value variables
Values Format is name=value

that I share to applications system wide.
At a command I will reveal my secrets once you Get my Child Items.
๐Ÿค” maybe environment variables2

4. Get the environment variables

Get-ChildItem Env: | Format-Table  -Wrap   

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet gets the items and child items in specified locations1.
The Environment provider exposes its data store in the Env: drive3.
-Wrap Wrapping Format-Table Output in Columns1 to view the full output text.

Name                           Value
----                           -----
_                              /bin/su
HOME                           /home/elf
HOSTNAME                       5b3974b0cb32
LANG                           en_US.UTF-8
LC_ALL                         en_US.UTF-8
LOGNAME                        elf
MAIL                           /var/mail/elf
PATH                           /opt/microsoft/powershell/6:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games
PSModuleAnalysisCachePath      /var/cache/microsoft/powershell/PSModuleAnalysisCache/ModuleAnalysisCache
PSModulePath                   /home/elf/.local/share/powershell/Modules:/usr/local/share/powershell/Modules:/opt/microsoft/powershell/6/Modules
PWD                            /home/elf
RESOURCE_ID                    undefined
riddle                         Squeezed and compressed I am hidden away. Expand me from my prison and I will show you the way.Recurse through all /etc and Sort on my LastWriteTime to reveal im the newest of all.
SHELL                          /home/elf/elf
SHLVL                          1
TERM                           xterm
USER                           elf
userdomain                     laserterminal
USERDOMAIN                     laserterminal
username                       elf
USERNAME                       elf


Squeezed and compressed I am hidden away.Expand me from my prison and I will show you the way.
Recurse through all /etc and Sort on my LastWriteTime to reveal im the newest of all.

5. Escape the riddle from the prison ๐Ÿš“

Search for last edited ChildItem in /etc directory:

Get-ChildItem /etc -Recurse -File -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending | Select-Object -first 1

-Force parameter allows the cmdlet to get items that cannot otherwise not be accessed by the user, such as hidden or system files.
-recurse parameter gets items from the Path directory and its subdirectories.
-ErrorAction PS uses this to determine what action should be taken if an error is thrown.
SilentlyContinue do not display the error and continue with processing.
Sort-Object sorting result by LastWriteTime and -Descending then Select-Object -first 1 display only first from the beginning.

Directory: /etc/apt
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
--r---            1/6/20  3:56 PM        5662902 archive

Alternative method

We could use -Attributes with Get-ChildItem to find Compressed or Archive items if the Mode property is set1. In above file r (read-only) flag is set and there is no a (archive)flag.

Expand(uncompress) this archive:

Expand-Archive -Path /etc/apt/archive -DestinationPath /home/elf/archive

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet Extracts files from a specified archive (zipped) file4.
/home/elf/archive we selected this path because we have write access to it.

List all Extracted items:

Get-ChildItem /home/elf/archive
Directory: /home/elf/archive
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----            1/6/20  4:06 PM                refraction
Get-ChildItem /home/elf/archive/refraction
Directory: /home/elf/archive/refraction
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
------           11/7/19 11:57 AM            134 riddle
------           11/5/19  2:26 PM        5724384 runme.elf

Read content of riddle file, and will runme.elf later:

Get-Content /home/elf/archive/refraction/riddle
Very shallow am I in the depths of your elf home. You can find my entity by using my md5 identity:


An items with md5 hash 25520151A320B5B0D21561F92C8F6224 at depths of home directory.

6. Searching the depths hashes

Get-ChildItem -File -Recurse | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 | Where-Object hash -eq 25520151A320B5B0D21561F92C8F6224 | Select-Object path

-File parameter to get a list of files.
The Get-FileHash cmdlet Computes the hash value for a file by using a specified hash algorithm.
-Algorithm MD5 parameter to specify md5 as our hash algorithm.
The Where-Object cmdlet Selects objects from a collection based on their property values which we specified as hash.
-eq parameter Indicates that this cmdlet gets objects if the property value is the same as the specified value 25520151A320B5B0D21561F92C8F6224.
Select-Object path to display the path of the object.


Read content of thhy5hll.txt file:

Get-Content /home/elf/depths/produce/thhy5hll.txt
I am one of many thousand similar txt's contained within the deepest of /home/elf/depths. Finding me will give you the most strength but doing so will require Piping all the FullName's to Sort Length.

Temperature value



Piping all the FullName's to Sort Length for all files in /home/elf/depths.

Alternative approach by searching for val= in files at current directory

Get-ChildItem -recurse | Select-String -pattern 'val='

The Select-String cmdlet finds text in strings and files.1
-pattern parameter specify text text patterns.1


7. Searching the one among thousands

Get-ChildItem -File -recurse | Select-Object FullName,@{Name="NameLength";Expression={$_.fullname.length}} | Sort-Object NameLength -Descending | Select-Object -first 1 | Format-Table -Wrap

Get all files recursively and get FullName for each and then get Name Length and sort by it and return the first one on the result.5


Read content of 0jhj5xz6.txt file:

Get-Content /home/elf/depths/larger/cloud/behavior/beauty/enemy/produce/age/chair/unknown/escape/vote/long/writer/behind/ahead/thin/occasionally/explore/tape/wherever/practical/therefore/cool/plate/ice/play/truth/potatoes/beauty/fourth/careful/dawn/adult/either/burn/end/accurate/rubbed/cake/main/she/threw/eager/trip/to/soon/think/fall/is/greatest/become/accident/labor/sail/dropped/fox/0jhj5xz6.txt
Get process information to include Username identification. Stop Process to show me you're skilled and in this order they must be killed:
Do this for me and then you /shall/see.


Get process information to include Username identification


Kill Process in order:
bushy > alabaster > minty > holly >

Check this file /shall/see

8. Killing order!

Get-Process -IncludeUserName

The Get-Process cmdlet Gets the processes that are running on the local computer.
-IncludeUserName parameter shows the owner of a process.

  WS(M)   CPU(s)      Id UserName                       ProcessName
  -----   ------      -- --------                       -----------
  28.71     1.57       6 root                           CheerLaserServi
 112.95     3.31      31 elf                            elf
   3.44     0.02       1 root                           init
   0.80     0.00      24 bushy                          sleep
   0.73     0.00      26 alabaster                      sleep
   0.77     0.00      27 minty                          sleep
   0.81     0.00      29 holly                          sleep
   3.28     0.00      30 root                           su

Stop process in order bushy > alabaster > minty > holly :

Stop-Process 23; Stop-Process 25; Stop-Process 28; Stop-Process 29

Alternative method

Because it's a linux box, we can use kill command instead:

kill 23; kill 25; kill 28; kill 29

Read content of /shall/see file:

Get-Content /shall/see
Get the .xml children of /etc - an event log to be found. Group all .Id's and the last thing will be in the Properties of the lonely unique event Id.


Lookup xml file in /etc
Check the properties for the event with unique event Id

9. Find the Unique!

Search for xml files in /etc recursively:

Get-ChildItem /etc -Recurse -File -Filter "*.xml" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

-Filter parameter to get only .xml files.

Directory: /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
--r---          11/18/19  7:53 PM       10006962 EventLog.xml

Let's read the first 15 lines from the file to understand the content and structure:

Get-Content -Path /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/EventLog.xml  -first 15

<Objs Version="" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
  <Obj RefId="0">
    <TN RefId="0">
      <I32 N="Id">3</I32>
      <By N="Version">5</By>
      <Nil N="Qualifiers" />
      <By N="Level">4</By>
      <I32 N="Task">3</I32>
      <I16 N="Opcode">0</I16>
We can identify the Namespace http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04 will be used in Select-Xml.
Also XPath to the id string Objs/Obj/Props/I32[@N="Id"].

Open xml file into xml element then extract and count event id to find unique one:

$namespaceManager = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable)
$namespaceManager.AddNamespace('ns', 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04')

[xml]$Xml = Get-Content /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/EventLog.xml

$Xml.SelectNodes("ns:Objs/ns:Obj/ns:Props/ns:I32[@N='Id']", $namespaceManager).InnerText | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Sort-Object -Property Count

[xml]$Xml Get content from the XML file provided as XMl.
SelectNodes Selects a list of nodes matching the XPath expression with prefixes supplied by XmlNamespaceManager.
namespaceManager Specifies a hash table of the namespaces used in the XML.
'ns:Objs/ns:Obj/ns:Props/ns:I32[@N='Id']' Specifies an XPath search query.

Alternative method

Using Select-Xml cmdlet:

Select-Xml cmdlet lets you use XPath queries to search for text in XML.
-Namespace parameter Specifies a hash table of the namespaces used in the XML.
-Path parameter Specifies the path and file names of the XML files to search.
-XPath parameter Specifies an XPath search query.

$Path = '/etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/EventLog.xml';
$Namespace = @{ns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"};

Select-Xml -Path $Path -XPath  '/ns:Objs/ns:Obj/ns:Props/ns:I32[@N="Id"]' -Namespace $Namespace | %{$_.node.InnerXML} | Group-Object | Select-Object -Property Count, Name | Sort-Object -Property Count

Count Name
----- ----
    1 1
    2 4
   39 2
   98 6
  179 3
  905 5
As we can see the id 1 is only occurs once.

Let's get the properties of the object:

 $Xml.SelectNodes("ns:Objs/ns:Obj/ns:Props[ns:I32[@N='Id']=1]", $namespaceManager).LastChild.InnerXml

Alternative method

Using Select-Xml cmdlet:

$Path = '/etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants/EventLog.xml';
$Namespace = @{ns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04"};

Select-Xml -Path $Path -XPath  "ns:Objs/ns:Obj/ns:Props[ns:I32[@N='Id']=1]" -Namespace $Namespace | %{$_.node.InnerXML}
<S N="Value">
  C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -c "`
  $correct_gases_postbody = @{`n    O=6`n    H=7`n    He=3`n    N=4`n    Ne=22`n    Ar=11`n    Xe=10`n    F=20`n    Kr=8`n    Rn=9`n}`n"

Also if you used .ParentNode.LastChild.InnerXml :

<S N="Message" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/2004/04">
Process Create:_x000D__x000A_RuleName: _x000D__x000A_UtcTime: 2019-11-07 17:59:56.525_x000D__x000A_ProcessGuid: {BA5C6BBB-5B9C
-5DC4-0000-00107660A900}_x000D__x000A_ProcessId: 3664_x000D__x000A_Image: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe_x000D__x000A_FileVersion: 10.0.14393.206 (rs1_release.160915-0644)_x000D__x000A_Description: Windows PowerShell_x000D__x000A_Product: Microsoftยฎ Windowsยฎ Operating System_x000D__x000A_Company: Microsoft Corporation_x000D__x000A_OriginalFileName: PowerShell.EXE_x
000D__x000A_CommandLine: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -c

"`$correct_gases_postbody = @{`n    O=6`n    H=7`n    He=3`n    N=4`n    Ne=22`n    Ar=11`n    Xe=10`n    F=20`n    Kr=8`n    Rn=9`n}`n"

_x000D__x000A_CurrentDirectory: C:\_x000D__x000A_User: ELFURESEARCH\allservices_x000D__x000A_LogonGuid: {BA5C6BBB-5B9C-5DC4-0000-0020F55CA900}_x000D__x000A_LogonId: 0xA95CF
5_x000D__x000A_TerminalSessionId: 0_x000D__x000A_IntegrityLevel: High_x000D__x000A_Hashes: MD5=097CE5761C89434367598B34FE32893B_x000D__x000A_ParentProcessGuid: {BA5C6BBB-4C79-5DC4-0000-001029350100
}_x000D__x000A_ParentProcessId: 1008_x000D__x000A_ParentImage: C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe_x000D__x000A_ParentCommandLine: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs

Correct gases post-body

@{ O=6 H=7 He=3 N=4 Ne=22 Ar=11 Xe=10 F=20 Kr=8 Rn=9}

10. The Mix LinuxPower!

Going back to runme.elf in archive/refraction directory:

.elf files is Executable and Linkable Format7 can store executable programs, memory dumps, and shared libraries.

If we try to run it:


Program runme.elf failed to run

  Program 'runme.elf' failed to run: No such file or directoryAt line:1 char:1
  + ./runme.elf
  + ~~~~~~~~~~~.
  At line:1 char:1
  + ./runme.elf
  + ~~~~~~~~~~~
  + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (:) [], ApplicationFailedException
  + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandFailed

So using chmod +x command to changed to an executable then rerun it:

chmod +x ./runme.elf




11. Fixing the laser

Now we have all the values let's fix the laser and spread the cheers!

Angle Temperature Refraction Gasses
65.5 33.5 1.867 @{O=6;H=7;He=3;N=4;Ne=22;Ar=11;Xe=10;F=20;Kr=8;Rn=9}

Let's put all values with api links provided to update the settings.

We have the settings Angle, Temperature and Refraction are sent with GET HTTP Request. And Gasses are sent with POST HTTP Request. In Powershell to send http request we use Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet8.

Request Example:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://xxxx -Method xxx -Body xxx

-Method Specifies the method used for the web request. There are a lot of acceptable values for this parameter, in our case we will use POST or GET
-Body Specifies the body of the request. When the input is a GET request and the body is an IDictionary (typically, a hash table), the body is added to the URI as query parameters. For other request types (such as POST), the body is set as the value of the request body in the standard name=value format.

In case of sending GET HTTP Request you can add query parameters directly to URI and type the command without -Body parameter.

Our command will be:

$r = 1.867; $t =-33.5; $a =65.5 ; $g = @{O=6; H=7; He=3; N=4; Ne=22; Ar=11; Xe=10; F=20; Kr=8; Rn=9} ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/off/).Content ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/on/).Content ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/temperature?val=$t).Content  ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/angle?val=$a).Content ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/gas -Method POST -Body $g).Content ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/refraction?val=$r ).Content ;

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri  http://localhost:1225/api/output).Content;

Grouped all commands to quickly excute and also changed RawContent to Content to get only content as ouput.

Christmas Cheer Laser Powered Off           

Christmas Cheer Laser Powered On           

Updated Laser Temperature - Check /api/output if 5 Mega-Jollies per liter reached.   

Updated Mirror Angle - Check /api/output if 5 Mega-Jollies per liter reached.    

Updated Gas Measurements - Check /api/output if 5 Mega-Jollies per liter reached.

Updated Lense Refraction Level - Check /api/output if 5 Mega-Jollies per liter reached.  

Success! - 5.78 Mega-Jollies of Laser Output Reached!      

Success! - 5.78 Mega-Jollies of Laser Output Reached!

You have completed the Xmas Cheer Laser challenge! ๐ŸŽ‰

Talk to SugarPlum Mary again:

๐Ÿง๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ Sparkle Redberry

You got it - three cheers for cheer!
For objective 5, have you taken a look at our Zeek logs?
Something's gone wrong. But I hear someone named Rita can help us.
Can you and she figure out what happened?

Check your badge for the hints:

๐ŸŽ“ What you've learned

  • Different Powershell cmdlets: Get-Content, Get-History, Get-ChildItem, Sort-Object, Invoke-WebRequest Expand-Archive, Get-FileHash, Where-Object,Group-Object ,Select-String, Get-Process,Stop-Process, Select-Xml, SelectNodes.
  • Formatting the Powershell command output: Format-Table
  • Searching for files using hashes, strings, LastWriteTime, Name Length.
  • The environment variables.
  • How to get Commands history.
  • Gets the processes that are running on the local computer and how to stop any process.
  • Dealing with xml files in Powershell.
  • How to change binaries to executable and run them.
  • Sending Http requests from Powershell.